Monday, May 12, 2008

.... And that's when I knew I was a demographic


Is that the cure? Morrissey? Faith no more?

I am either in a time vortex or some schlep went back in the past and broke into my 1984 Honda accord (named Ceasar - because he would shake and run when the keys were no longer in the ignition) and stole my tapes ( yes casettes) or I need to realize that I am older than I think.

How could this happen? More importantly when?? I was just learning the chords to Pearl Jam's "Porch" andnow they are playing it over the loud speaker at my gym. Hmmmm

Ok, Mike, snap out of it. It isn't that bad. As Xtina points out "you have always been a demographic, you are a white male!"

Is she right?

It can't be....

I shake my head and refuse to buy what the man is selling so I go in the locker room ( the land that pants forgot) and get changed. While I am in there .... On the muzak system is "So You Think You're In Love" by Robyn Hitchcock and the E gyptians. WTF??

I am ready for my tracking chip Mr Deville.